For their members OFN provides news, innovations, and
results. They also provide an overview
of all loans and investments to CDFI’s since 1990. For investors, they give a description that
offers opportunities for investors interested in providing performance-based
financing to CDFI’s nationally and methods to find more information on these
opportunities (Opportunity Finance Network, 2012) . For CDFI’s, OFN provides financing products in
order to help CDFI’s with their individual missions.
In order to become a member and obtain finances for these
developments, potential CDFI’s are encouraged to familiarize themselves with
the Membership Principles. OFN rests on
four different principles: Mission and
Impact, Finance-led Strategy, Commitment to Performance, and Support of OFN’s
Mission. If a CDFI meets the eligibility
criteria, then the OFN assists them in meeting their PerformanceExpectations. CDFI’s have to meet all of
the membership principles but do not have to meet all of the performance
There are some really great things on this site that help
provide a lot of information and keep members connected. There is a program called Staying Connected where members share ideas
with OFN and each other. They use
conference calls to keep in touch and schedule them frequently throughout the
year. OFN also provides a Small Business
Finance Forum. This is where more than
150 representatives from many CDFI’s around the United States and their
partners, talk about issues that are important to small business finance
providers (Opportunity Finance Network, 2012) . This also provides networking and the
opportunity to build relationships.
OFN’s slogan is “finding financing opportunities that others
miss” which points out a great advantage to using alternative financing. A lot of these organizations can show you
opportunities that you did not know existed.
If these opportunities go unnoticed, then they will be gone before you
even knew they were there. Another
advantage of alternate financing is the opportunity to help others who might
not be able to obtain financing on their own.
Some disadvantages are if you are not familiar with programs like this,
you might sign up for something that is not beneficial for you or your
company. It is important, especially
with finances, to make sure that you really research and know where you are
getting your finances from so you and your business can be successful.
Finance Network. (2012, January 1). Opportunity Finance Network - About.
Retrieved August 11, 2012, from Opportunity FInance Network:
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