An example in the fast growth of mobile apps is the
overnight sensation of the app Draw Something.
Draw something was released to users in early February, and after 9 days
had already acquired about 1 million downloads (Cocotas, 2012) .
The growth did not stop there, because after six weeks, the game had
approximately 35 million downloads (Cocotas, 2012) .
According to PwC, smartphone owners use their smartphones
for three daily activities: basic communications, accessing news, weather or
sports and social network usage (Tofel, 2011) . PwC has also surveyed that 40% of these
owners will increase these activities to 14 different areas, including travel, healthcare
and management because of apps (Tofel, 2011) .
In the business world apps have started to become just as
important as Internet media.
Smartphone owners can do everything from place orders, to shopping, to
finding different business in their exact location. AT&T surveyed businesses and more than a
third of these small business feel they could not survive without mobile apps (Cascade Marketing Solutions, 2012) . Within the survey they were asked what the
most valuable sorts of mobile apps were and 46% said “apps that help you shop
or make purchases” (Cascade Marketing Solutions, 2012) .
As I graduate from school and start my own business, it is
important for me to keep up with the trends that will help my business
thrive. I know how frequently I use my
mobile phone, and how I use it more then my computer sometimes. This makes me realize that this is the way
the world is going. They want
convenience and a way to access as much as they can in the palm of their
hand. The growth in mobile apps shows me
how I can use this trend in my marketing efforts and in my businesses everyday
operations. I believe this trend will
help me be successful and help me connect with a wider audience.
Marketing Solutions. (2012, January 1). The Growth of Mobile Applications -
No End in Sight! Retrieved August 24, 2012, from Cascade Marketing
Cocotas, A. (2012, March 23). The Breathtaking Pace of
Mobile App Growth Is Just Gettting Started. Retrieved August 24, 2012,
from Business Insider:
Tofel, K. C. (2011, November 18). Why the mobile app
economy will keep growing quickly . Retrieved August 24, 2012, from
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