
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Press Kits

A press kit is a collection of materials that helps promote a person and their work to the media or their agent.  This material can be submitted as a traditional hard copy press kit or as an electronic press kit.  I recently learned about press kits and got the opportunity to create one of my own.  Before I created my press kit, I was given many different resources to help me be creative and organized.  I found it was easier to use Keynote to properly organize everything how I wanted, but before I decided this method I visited is an electronic press kit service that helps you create your press kit electronically, and upload it so it is accessible to the public.  Even though I did not decide to use this to create my press kit, I do feel it is more in tune with the direction our industry is continuing to head.  Each week features a number of different press kits and I decided to evaluate Regina Belle’s to see if it is a successful press kit.

Regina Belle is a Gospel artist from Atlanta, GA, who is a four-time Grammy Award and Academy Award winner.  When you first visit her press kit, her song “Higher” is playing in the background.  I really liked this element of her press kit, because it introduced me to her sound right away.  Additionally, you are able to read Belle’s biography on her home page and there is a picture so you have a visual as well.  There are tabs at the top of the page were you can navigate and see photos, videos, press releases, schedules, and hear audio tracks.  When navigating through her press kit, I was hoping to see more photographs, there were only five and none of them were her in action.  However, I did like how there was a store that included links where you could buy her music. can really help those create a press kit when they do not know where to start.  It contains a step-by-step process so there is no confusion.  They also have a 2-week trial period so you can try it for free before making a financial commitment.  I would recommend to make an electronic press kit but if you like a more traditional style then that is still accepted too.


Power Press Kits. (2012, January 1). Free Electronic Press Kits Service. Retrieved May 19, 2012, from     Power Press Kits:


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