
Saturday, May 19, 2012


Dubstep is a vastly growing trend in the music industry in the United States.  Originating in the U.K. dubstep is defined by as “a genre of electronic dance music” said to be “tightly coiled productions with overwhelming bass lines and reverberant drum patterns, clipped samples, and occasional vocals.”  This electronic, computerized sound started showing up in the middle of hits from artist such as Britney Spears, Nicki Minaj, Flo-Rida, Kanye West, Jay Z and many more.

Press Kits

A press kit is a collection of materials that helps promote a person and their work to the media or their agent.  This material can be submitted as a traditional hard copy press kit or as an electronic press kit.  I recently learned about press kits and got the opportunity to create one of my own.  Before I created my press kit, I was given many different resources to help me be creative and organized.  I found it was easier to use Keynote to properly organize everything how I wanted, but before I decided this method I visited